Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tinting Mason Jars

I cannot express to you how much I love mason jars. You can drink out of them, can with them, and use them for decorations. It amazes me how such a simple thing as a glass jar can be loved by so many.

Since we are doing a vintage pooh party I knew I had to involve mason jars. I knew I wanted to have them on the table to use as vases, but it wasn't until I was browsing Pinterest that I saw people tinting them. I knew it would be easy and add something extra to the party. Did some googling and found what I thought to be the best tutorial for me. Lilyshop blog has a few other mason jar tutorials on her page as well, so if you want to paint them or use them as a chalkboard there are tutorials for you on there as well.

First thing is making sure you have your supplies:
*food coloring of choice
*clean jars
*something to stir with
*drying place

For my drying area I used a diaper box so I could just throw it out when done and I stirred with a dowel rod that I had. Popsicle sticks also work well.

Pour your modpodge into the jar and drop in your food coloring. Mix at bottom of jar until completely mixed. Make sure you have it mixed really well so it doesn't leave streaks of color on the jar.

After mixing completely turn the jar down and around to coat the entire jar. Once the whole jar is coated you can let the excess drip into another jar to do or in something to throw out. Let jars dry upside down for an hour and then turn upright to dry the rest of the way.

It should take anywhere from 24-48 hours to dry completely. They are now only for decoration purposes. The glue makes them unable to drink out of, so please don't use them for anything other than decoration. 

Finished project! The bottoms of two of these were still drying some, but the one on the right is completly dry. 

Now just to add flowers to them for the party!

1 comment:

  1. obserwuje i zapraszam do siebie ;*
